The film follows Atharv, a young boy navigating the challenges of a chaotic morning in an Indian household. Despite facing everyday struggles, he learns valuable lessons about empathy, kindness, and the importance of family.
✍️ Harsh Saravanan - Writer + Director + Casting Director
🎬 Manthena Hari Krishnam Raju - Executive Producer
🎭 Umang Urukram - Associate Director + Casting Director + Production Design
🎥 Ushantth Kumar Reddy - Associate Director + VFX Supervisor
📸 Shubham Pachya Gavit - Director of Photography & Colourist
📽️ Osawar Srujan - Associate Cinematographer
🎞️ Kannepalli Siva Rama Akhil - Cinematography Team
📹 Kalakuntla Raghunath Rao - Cinematography Team
✂️ Reddygari Ushantth Kumar Reddy - Editor
🎞️ Sourabh Caleb Shailendra - Onsite Editor
🎙️ Gadupudi Akhil - Sound Recordist
🎵 Parakram Parmar - Sound Design & Music
📋 Charan Nowpada - 1st Assistant Director
📋 Omveer Singh Rathore - 2nd Assistant Director
📝 Gaurav Panwar - Script Supervisor
🎨 Monika Kedia - Art Director
📍 Riny Patel - Line Producer
👦 Atharv - Zaib
👩 Mom - Keerthy Sri
👨🏫 English Teacher - Yashwanth Shinde
👨🏫 Maths Teacher - Munawar
🧒 Atharv Friend - Ansh
👵 Old Lady - Kamakshi